Monday, April 6, 2009

Possible Origins of Rh Negative Blood

In the preceding post I speculated on the beings created in Genesis Chapter 1 as well as Adam and Eve who were created in Chapter 2. An entity named "God" created the Chapter 1 beings and someone identified as "Lord God" created Adam and Eve. Were these two separate creation stories and were the creators two separate groups of extraterrestrial entities? Were the first creations still on earth when Adam and Eve were created? Did they interbreed? And are pure strains of the first creations still on this planet?

The Nephilim are introduced in Genesis, Chapter 6:

“When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them…It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth – when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.”

So at this point, we have three possibilities for the introduction of Rh negative blood: The beings created in Chapter 1 who apparently did not have the DNA of their creator, Adam and Eve in Chapter 2 who did have the DNA of their creator, and the progeny of the Nephilim as described in Chapter 6.

Elsewhere in the Old Testament there are impregnations of various women by an entity now identified as "the Lord" who might conceivably be yet another ET strain. Chapter 21 states “And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken. For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age..." Other Old Testament extraterrestrial impregnations involved Rachel gaving birth to Joseph and Samson and Samuel were both born to barren women. Could Rh negative blood been introduced during these Old Testament impregnations?

Then there are the New Testament impregnations. It is possible, and in my opinion most likely, that the ET divine being of the New Testament is not the same entity/entities as described in the Old Testament. Anna was impregnated by the New Testatment god, resulting in Mary's birth. Elizabeth was impregnated, resulting in John the Baptist's birth. Mary was impregnated resulting in Jesus' birth. Jesus had a double dip of ET DNA as both he and his mother were the result of manipulation by extraterrestrials. I believe this is what made him so special. Perhaps this is where the Rh negative blood came from, the god of the New Testament?

No one knows where Rh negative blood came from; but it was not of an earthly origin, and it cannot be cloned. I wonder if the percentage of Rh negative blood (currently 15%) has stayed consistent since it was first introduced? Was there more of it or less of it at one time? So many questions...and no answers.