Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rh Negative Blood Relatives

Until fairly recently I had no idea that there was anything unusual about my Rh negative blood. I knew that after I had given birth to my daughter, I was given an injection of Rhogam. I was told that Rhogam was routinely given to women with Rh negative blood after pregnancies in which they carried Rh positive fetuses in order to prevent the mother's immune system from reacting against the Rh positive blood of any subsequent fetus. At the time I thought it was strange that my immune system would react against a subsequent fetus with Rh positive blood, but I never questioned it, and I had no more pregnancies.

Recently I learned that only 15% of the world’s population has Rh negative blood. The other 85% has Rh positive and the Rh stands for Rhesus like in monkey. So those with Rh positive blood have a factor in their blood that can be traced back to the Rhesus monkey. But the earthly origin for Rh negative blood is unknown. Scientists have no explanation for it. This made me think back to my mother saying that a monkey wasn't her uncle. I asked her to explain what she meant. She said that she didn't believe that humans evolved from monkeys. Her theory was that if humans did evolve from monkeys, how can there still be monkeys on this planet? Wouldn't it follow that all monkeys then evolved into humans? How could it be that some monkeys evolved and others did not? How could you argue with this? I certainly couldn't.

Recently I started thinking about the Rh negative issue again. An Rh negative pregnant woman’s body rejects the positive blooded baby in her womb. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy the alien substance. Conversely, an Rh positive woman’s body does not reject an Rh negative fetus. Why would an Rh positive fetus be considered alien? I started to research this on the web and learned that scientists can clone the Rh positive factor, but they are not able to clone the Rh negative factor. There are some sites that suggest Rh negative people are related to the ancient astronauts and it's believed there is a high percentage of alien abduction of people with Rh negative blood.

I have seen a UFO, I have had an out of body experience, I have had episodes of sleep paralysis and now I believe this Rh negative thing is related to these.

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